Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Roanoke - contest arrangement

I appreciate that @Shaky_loves_banjo! I’m sure the challenge will be playing it onstage exactly like I can play it at home. :laughing:


Isn’t that how it always is? I don’t really play better on stage but i will say i enjoy playing on stage. The biggest problem for me is not playing good, but my hands getting sweaty :grimacing: A sure sign of nervousness.


Sweaty hands… yup that’s me too!


Well Libby you did a great job but not sorry to say i like Jakes version better :joy:



Haha. Comparing me to Jake is like comparing someone who doesn’t know their open strings to Tommy Emmanuel. That’s the most insane video ever; believe me I’ve watched that one a time or two! :sweat_smile:


Errrrr are you implying that Jake is that much better than Tommy? Not trying to start any controversy or anything :zipper_mouth_face: :no_mouth: I love them both for the record.

And yes, I know it’s a joke. :joy::joy:


No controversy but yes he is, he’s the best player alive no comparisons anywhere.


Have you seen or heard Jake’s new guitar from Quebec Canada? I think he is breaking it in and hasn’t done a video with it yet. Can’t wait for the reveal. Any insider intel?


The last few lessons I’ve had with him, he’s been playing it. Sounds good but I think a cardboard guitar would sound better than me with mine with him. Someone recently posted a video of him playing it, I’ll see if I can find the link


Jake or Tommy is the best player alive?



On a philisophical note, what quantifies a “best” player at this level anyway?

At this level, it’s not so much quantification and metrics… :slight_smile: It is a bit like what is the best color?

I’ll throw Lil Wayne and moss green into the mix for discussion.

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Jake is pretty amazing and well rounded.


I think i would agree for sure on a flatpick level but Tommy is amazing at so many different styles it’s almost hard to know sometimes.


Hey, why compare when you can have both?


ya there we go


I do really think Jake is the best, no debate, because he’s creative and inventive and perfectly clean all the time with no limit on speed. He plays like nobody else plays, and every other player I can think of plays like somebody else. But of course that’s a needless conversation since we all have our favorites… I think this all just started by me saying I don’t compare to Jake. :smile:


I think if I had to pick the guitar player who is the most technically proficient it would definitely be Jake. I mean his speed and accuracy is just scary, and I think he’s a perfect fit for Kentucky Thunder which really showcases the musicians’ skills. But at some point I find even Kentucky Thunder’s music a little bit robotic. I’ve been listening to Bryan Sutton more and I think he may be my new second favorite; he seems (to me at least) to make more sense musically with what he plays.
Jake is definitely faster though from what I’ve seen, and he’s one of those players who can just literally do whatever he wants on the guitar. He’s definitely a very large influence on my playing, and his style is engineered for speed. I wouldn’t be surprised if in a few decades, bluegrass guitar players will be copying Jake Workman licks in the way we copy Tony Rice licks now– his playing is that different.

I love contrasting styles though. I noticed that a lot in the Kenny Smith/Cody Kilby interview– Cody just leaps all over the fretboard and Kenny’s playing is best described as “chill”.

Anyway, I don’t mind if I turn out to be another TR clone, which I probably will :grin:. I still reach for Tony’s music over any other guitar player, unless I want to listen to a song at like 190 BPM.


Thats the best way of putting it.

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