Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Right hand video

Hey all. Been a while since I’ve had any kind of lesson. I’ve noticed that my thumb pick has been hitting the head lately above the 5th string. Not really affecting too much right now, but I’ve worn thru a couple expensive bluechip thumb picks. Take a look a my right had and see if you don’t like something.

Please forgive bad timing. Just trying to shift around and give a better view of picking hand.


Maybe try to lift/arch that wrist a little bit more, not to an extreme, but enough to get your palm further off the head of the banjo. Could just be the angle, but it looks like your palm is actually almost resting on the head.

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Thanks. I’ll have to pay attention to that. Hopefully it’s just cuz I was shifting around for camera angle. I definitely don’t do it on lead beaks.

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Yes, @Michael_Mark is correct, the wrist angle is too flattened. Create more of a break in your wrist and see what happens. It’ll feel uncomfortable at first but stay after it a couple days and see what settles in.

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