So, Glen was performing, and everything was going fine. At 1:15 where he does his chorus ending riff, he nudges up to his guitar mic, and the sound guy suddenly cut it off. As soon as the riff ends, you’ll hear his guitar come back on. It came back to the end of the chorus, and the sound guy did the same thing. Don’t think Glenn liked it to much, nor do I blame him. He mentions it during the song in a professional manner. Wonder if the sound guy got his butt chewed after? Interesting little “hiccup”, if you will. Would love it if someone would like to share some of their live performance stories.
Rhinestone Cowboy - Glenn got short miked
I think the “short mic” comment might be because the mic stand was sitting way too low for his guitar and he had to stoop down at that point. I am just happy to hear someone playing an actual instrument into an actual microphone!
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Yes, that’s quite possible. I listened closely for the riff both times, and couldn’t hear it. Might have just missed it.
Rule 1: The best laid plans …
Rule 2: Professionals spent enough time as amateurs to know how to deal with Rule 1.
Rule 3: The show must go on.
Rule 4: Be cool & the audience will never know. Lose your cool & look like a fool.