I didn’t know where to put this but I’ll throw this idea out.
Example: I’m working on the Waypoints roll. I find when I first start I’m doing great working up the neck. But doing that constant roll the whole time doesn’t make me better it actually makes me play worse. By the time I’m coming back down I am not as smooth. Feel like I’m laboring to keep roll accurate instead of nice and smooth. Its not a matter of knowing it. I know the roll and the chord positions. The repetition just does me in.
I personally find if I’m playing music that has as an example, a forward roll that is played twice and then goes into a forward reverse roll or some other different hand motion I do better. Hand doesn’t fell like its getting tight playing the same thing over and over.
Additionally, I find once I learn something at a faster speed its very difficult to slow down and play it smooth at a slow speed. Like the Waypoints. Played it last night slowly and it was kind of laborious to play at such a slow speed. Turn the tempo up and I was right at home doing good. My thinking is you should be able to play it at any speed if you know it. I might be wrong.
I hope that makes sense. Any advice as always is appreciated.