Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Removing 2 string pairs

Hi All

I am planning to replace the tuners on my Eastman 305. I’ve found a set of nearly drop in replacements. My question is: Can I remove G and D string pairs simultaneously without out jeopardizing my bridge placement?

I was hopeful that I could replace the G & D tuners. Restring. Then replace A & E.

Am I asking for trouble?


I think you’re fine but I’d honestly reduce the tension a bit on the 2 pair that will remain on the instrument. You could lower them a whole step or two which will likely keep the tension from scooting the bridge. You want enough tension for it not to move and not so much that it causes it to move…hope that makes sense!


That makes sense.


Just in case it moves accidentally, you could take some masking tape and stick it on your shirt a bit to de-sticky it, then place it on the top adjacent to each side of the bridge and mark the bridge location with a pencil. Don’t press down hard with he pencil or you could make an impression on the top.


Great advice! Thanks Mike.

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