Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Ratio of members and what they play

Hey Ben,
Out of curiosity, how would you say your members breakdown via instrument they are learning?
For instance would you say to have mostly banjo students, then mandolin, then guitar, or however it shakes out I would be interested to know.

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Let’s make a poll! What instruments are you learning right now?

  • Banjo
  • Guitar
  • Mandolin
  • Banjo & Mandolin
  • Banjo & Guitar
  • Guitar & Mandolin
  • Banjo, Mandolin & Guitar

0 voters

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Thanks, Bob for starting the survey. Interesting results so far. I couldn’t help but notice the large percentage of banjo players. Then again, it is “Banjo Ben’s” site. Perhaps Ben could adopt the alias “Mandolin Ben” to increase the number of mandolin players? haha


Shameless bump… only 17 votes so far. Let’s hear what everyone plays!

Well…actually…ummm…fiddle & stand-up bass…:sunglasses:

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Banjo 5 String
Banjo 4 String Irish Tenor
Banjo Ukulele
Tissue Paper and Comb


LOL… I could add some piano and Irish Whistle…

It’s tough because so many learn multiple instruments, but I would guess:

40% banjo
35% guitar
25% mandolin