Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Questionable Pick Addiction Problem

Since I am still staying with family in Louisiana during the week and going to Texas on the weekends I have some instruments in both locations. I have a pick holder on my keychain so I can have my favorite picks with me wherever I am BUT I think I may have a problem. My pick holder holds my new Toneslab’s JS-Tri, a Toneslab teardrop, a Bluechip CT-55, plus one of my wife’ clown barf picks. At this point if I am ever mugged, I would come out better giving my wallet away to make sure my pick holder doesn’t get taken since it is much more valuable :slight_smile: It is looking like I may need to find a pick-addiction counselor (but I do like using different picks).

@BanjoBen please don’t start a Pick-of-the-Month subscription club. When I added up my $127 dollars worth of picks on my keychain, my wife asked how many picks do you have (she’s has the $2 pick). I guess I need to disclose the other bluechip that stays in Texas.


LOLOL, that’s awesome!


Tell her just to be thankful you don’t play golf. It’s not the bag of Golf Clubs that will bankrupt you it’s the Golf Club membership fees.


Haha @Archie. She actually has a bit more that a pick addiction, she can purchase an instrument at the drop of a hat.


Get a tiny custom Calton case for your picks!


I have been to two of Ben’s camps. In both cases I went with “mad money”… money to spend however I want. After the first camp, I came home and was chatting with the missus about how the camp went.
She asked me what I bought at his camp.
I said - a hoodie, and two picks.
“How much did you spend?”
I said “about 120.00.”
She replied… “wow - that was an expensive hoodie!”
I told her “The hoodie was around 30.00”
She just stared.

I feel your pain, my friend.



Don’t fall in the water. No, you don’t have a problem…or, not until you’ve bought (and sold) 3 guitars in 3 days. Just some guy I know. Not me, of course. My wife and I call it “the weekend of the 3 guitars.”

The struggle is real.