Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Pull offs

Ben, I see you doing both pull offs and push offs… I think. I watch your videos and that is what it kooks like. Can you explain it clarify when you would use one over the other?

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Hi Diane, Generally speaking a lot depends on what your doing next (musically). For example if your moving to fret the 4th string with your middle finger you’re more inclined to do a push off in the direction your going rather than pulling down and away from the target string. It’s good practice to learn going in both directions.

Check out this great lesson.


Makes sense

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What Archie said plus… I will unintentionally sometimes mute a neighboring string when pulling off (or pushing). Sometimes that dictates which way I go.


@murphrn62 Diane I should have said, @BanjoBen is currently on a 2200 mile overland trip to Montana with his family. It may be a while till he get’s back to you. I am sure he has lots more reasons for doing what he does. He never ceases to amaze me with his tricks and ideas.

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Hey @murphrn62! Have you seen this vid:


Thanks Ben and everyone on the thread!

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