Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Precious Memories key of D

Well I certainly can’t offer any suggestions any of your questions @Simone but I can certainly say I thought it sounded fantastic. It definitely sounded like worship to me!


Tell me what key you would most prefer playing it in, and I’ll accommodate you. I’ll put down three part vocals, so at least one of the parts is always a stretch for my cords. I’ll stick to minimal instrumental backup, so that anyone else who wants to jump in with their chosen instrument won’t clash with whatever’s already there.

Give me a key, and then give me a day or two, and I’ll shoot an URL your way for streaming mp3. And if you want it all acapella so that you provide ALL the instrumentation, I can do that too.

Thanks! This’ll be fun.
Billy Shaw



I believe I understand now. Perhaps the circle of fifths chart will help some time in the future. For example, you know that a song is 1,4,5, but you don’t know off the top of your head what chords need to be played for a particular key.

Here is an example of how you can use the chart. Let’s say that you want to play in C a 1,4,5 progression

  1. Note the C on the chart.
  2. Look one space to the left of C and you see F. There’s your 4. The 4 (F) is always one space left of the C.
  3. Now look one space to the right of C. There’s your 5. The 5 (G) is always one space right of the C.

Now, let’s say you want to play a 1,4,5 in D.

  1. Note the D on the chart.
  2. Look one space left on the chart, and you see the G, there’s your 4.
  3. Look one space right on the chart, and you see the A, there’s your 5.

So, you can always easily find the 4 and 5 when you know the key using this chart. Hope you find this helpful.




I think I might like to participate in that. Please let me know.


Jack, might want that left & right in your instructions changed to clockwise & counterclockwise…


Good idea Dave.

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Thank you so much Ben! I’ve definitely crashed & burned… happy to hear : :blush:

And yes, the 1 4 5 are my friends!!

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Thank you @stuart.gamble!!

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Thank you @Dragonslayer !!
Well u know I dont play guitar so that’s out! :rofl:
And, yes I’m learning about those tricky guitar capo deals where they capo then play out of diff position! And to play very softly till I’m sure my chord sounds match up with theirs, so yes kinda following the sounds like you said. (And hopefully it’s a slow song!!!)

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I’m also a guitar player and can do the transposition, I have to tell you that when I’m on mandolin and there is a guitar carrying rhythm, I tend to fall into improvisation mode rather than try to follow the chord changes or look at chord shapes when they have a capo on. With some practice and knowledge of your scales in different positions on the neck, you can develop the ear for some pretty nice melodic fills around the chord changes. And I never have to look at the guitar player :slight_smile:

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