All Forum Members,
I know I am posting a bit late. However, this has been on my mind and hope that it touches all Forum members.
Please take a moment to show the outpouring of your thoughts and Prayers for all Tennesseans in the wake of the Tornado. We love Nashville and the whole State of Tennessee is beautiful. Dare I say, it is a place we consider to become our home in the future.
Thank GOD that @BanjoBen and his family was spared - even as it took out that school so close by… Praise God that it was at a time when children were with their families (at night) and not during the day.
Ben and his community give so much to us. This is one small gesture we can do to let him and others in that fine state know that we are with them all.
I am a man of Christian Faith but I petition all BANJO BEN Forum members, while likes are nice and appreciated, to leave a comment for them who are suffering… blessings or, if you are not the religious type, leave positive motivatioal words. Take a moment to share your heart with them here on this thread… as this calamity could happen to any of us with any natural disaster.
I hope this string is full with support.
May God bring peace to all Tennesseans for the need they require, the courage to rebuild and the protection of God against further storms. AMEN!