That is also the problem for me, as soon as the camera is running, my banjo is getting nervous and I think it would be useful to many if one also took up exercises that somehow become normal when the camera is running. and if you say it’s just an exercise, it doesn’t matter if you make a mistake, like me …
Practice Time
Oh man, do I share your camera phobia. First I’m playing like Randy Scruggs, then I turn on the camera and play like Conan the Barbarian. I suppose I could just let the camera roll and edit it down to just the good parts, but that’s starting to sound like work, and I’m opposed to that.
Oddly enough, here’s what’s helping me. I sit on my front porch and play where occasionally the neighbors can hear me. They haven’t complaint yet, I’ve gotten a couple curious questions and I’ve become more comfortable with making a mistake while other ears can hear it. Turns out it’s not that big of a deal since they are not paying money to hear you do it right.
BTW- It does disturb some people when they see me picking on the porch & I ask them if they remember that kid from “Deliverance.” If they say yes, I tell them “Well, I’m all grown up now!”
Hi @Severin I should clarify my earlier post. At the end of the first solo you play a melodic walk up the neck then a shave & haircut ending. In the second solo Mountain Dew you end the solo with harmonic chimes. These are not on Bill Nesbitt’s lesson. Where did you get these licks from? Did you just figure them out on your own.
Great picking!
Thank you Gunnar!
I love that pickin’!!
That’s sounds awesome, Severin!! You have made a lot of progress.
“Nervous Instrument Syndrome” also mentioned on the forum as “creeps”, “fear of the blinking red light” etc… yes it definitely is a thing. At the risk of sounding like a broken record… (ok maybe I am a broken record…) set up a recording device and turn it on and just play. Keep playing, do your whole practice session while recording, do this WITHOUT the intention of getting a perfect performance for sharing purposes. Review it later on, see where things need work or should be changed. Then do it again , and again, next several, or every other practice session. Eventually you’ll forget it’s there and it will be easier next time you wish to capture a video to be shared.
By the way, went back and rewatched the “Practice Time” video in this post… and then the Swiss fun song video. I REALLY like the chimes you did on Mountain Dew, and the ‘fun song’ reminds me of my Dad and brother doing old French songs with guitar, accordion, and harmonica… I couldnt understand the words in the French songs they did neither the words in the Swiss song - took me for a trip down memory lane!
thanks for your great contribution @simone! yes you are right, for a long time i practiced a song, then who i thought i could do i turned on the camera and realized i can’t do it. haha. now i started to just start the camera and just play. and it really works. For me there is still the difficulty that I usually do not have a long time, because one of my daughters bursts into the room again … and from the end of the month there is a third! then I will probably have to take a little break …