Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Pick rotating in my fingers

This is something I need to learn to do

This happens to me some. I’m not trying to upsell you, but I love this stuff:

Here’s the pick pics, best I could do holding phone with my left hand.

Was wondering what that stuff was, never got around to reading the description. Great name, but it kind of implies the opposite; snot, gorilla or whatever, is generally pretty slippery isn’t it?

No, just a dab will make your finger quite tacky, and it also sticks to your pick just enough to last for quite a while!

Cool, I’ll try it.

Love your toes!


Don’t take that wrong. I seriously thought they were Ben’s toes, and I was joking. Sometimes my brain gets a bit weird.

I thought everyone knew Ben wore blue toenail polish.


Aw c’mon, really? I saw your first comment about my toes Jack @Treblemaker and I thought aw how sweet, I might have even blushed just a tad :blush:.

Then y’all had to ruin it, didntcha? Thinkin they were Ben’s toes… :roll_eyes: You boost me up and then you drop me like a brick. :disappointed:


Now, it’s Miss Maggie to y’all. :wink:

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Once again, I stick my foot in my mouth. :roll_eyes: So sorry. They are very nice.

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There’s just so much junk in the news recently, a guy doesn’t know how to act.

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Yeah, I get it. You guys can’t win for losing. Just for future reference, I’m old school; it’s pretty hard to offend me. But, something you may say to me in fun may offend someone else. Its gotten out of hand, they’ve ruined it for all of us.

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Aw… :blush:

Miss Maggie, your grip looks really good to me. Some might argue that you could have a little less pick exposed, but I am pretty similar to the way you do are holding it. Gorilla snot sounds like it would be worth a try. I’ll get some on my next order too. Until you get it in, I sometimes wash my BC picks and dry them to remove oils that might have accumulated (and it seems to help).

I agree… nice toes!

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From this third picture, I would rotate the pick clockwise a tad, until it’s point is at right angles with your thumb. Then tuck you index finger just a tad in tighter, until it doesn’t show past your thumb. Then change your hand angle to compensate. That is how I hold my pick, and I used to hold it almost exactly like that, but changed to get more surface area on the pick, like this,

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@Maggie If you watch @BanjoBen 's videos closely you will see him do what I do. He licks his fingers just before he starts to play his guitar or mandolin. Disgusting I know but the saliva stops the pick slipping.

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Wow… that’s as bad a picking your nose :joy:

Only when you do these two actions together


I got the snot in my cart and I’ll try washing the picks.

Oh and, aw :blush: