I’m confused about how to pick the run of triplets in this example (3/4 time). Is it down-up-down all the way through? Thanks.
IMG_3544 5.HEIC (562.0 KB)
I’m confused about how to pick the run of triplets in this example (3/4 time). Is it down-up-down all the way through? Thanks.
IMG_3544 5.HEIC (562.0 KB)
Triplets are a personal preference. I’ve seen they can be down-up-down-up or down-up-down-down-up. If that makes sense.
I too think it is sort of personal preference. In a 4/4, down-up-down-up definitely works. In a 3/4, maybe down-down-down, repeating all the way, could work as well depending on the note placement (requires viewer download so can’t see the image). I too have seen both. Sometimes it would help to practice in ways you are not comfortable yet to get accustomed to it.
It honestly depends how you’re going to finger the notes. If you use the D, A and E strings, I’d lean towards down-up-down-down-up-down for a six-note triplet run (repeating the pattern as necessary). Sheet music is tricky that way because you can use different strings/positions to play that lick.
That lick sounds familiar… is that a Vince Guaraldi transcription?
Michael Mark. Yes. Very good!! Have you tried to play this? 192 bpm. Not easy.
I tried my hand at that lick but I’ve never tried the piece itself on mandolin. I just love the jazz from Peanuts!!
We’re working on it. The solo for Skating is beautiful but a bear. Almost impossible for me to play as Vince played it.
This is the position I settled on, fyi.