Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Pick Advice

I need some advice on a thumb pick. I have a Blue Chip, JD Crowe and the tip has worn flat.
Since I’m a beginner it’s not use that much except for practicing.
My question is, can this be remedied in some way to restore the original shape ?
More important, do these picks actually wear to the point of going flat, particularly for a beginner ?
For what they cost, I would imagine they would/should last longer than a few months.
Again, is the pick fixable or should I contemplate (hopefully) returning it ?

Wow! I’ve had a BC JDC for years and it hasn’t worn flat. How long have you had it and how much do you practice?

I know they don’t warranty it against wear, but that sure sounds like faulty material based on what you’ve said so far.

Could you post a close up video of your picking hand playing? Maybe you have some wicked cross string action going on.


I contacted Blue Chip via their Contact Page ( and they immediately responded with the following :

I agree with @Mark_Rocka I too have a BC and although I rarely use it I can’t imagine one of those blades wearing out due to the type of materials employed

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You mean like this? I sent one back to Blue Chip once and they reshaped it for me.


How long did that take to wear down?

10,000 hours :grinning:


I guess the reason my BC never wears out is because I use these - which NEVER wear out

Post a picture please, @kooseman

The photo of mharrison43 is what my pick looks like.
Although only the very tip is flat and not worn to the extent pictured.
To the best of my knowledge I’ve only had it over a year and my practice time
is such that it should not have worn down at all. Also, I don’t have any wicked anythings as far as I know.
I would not have noticed except I bought a brand new one from BBC store and
compared the two and the flat area on the original is very evident.
Thanks to all for the info. I may attempt to contact Blue Chip and and see what develops.
Or I may just attempt to reshape it myself :crossed_fingers:

Hmmm, is your banjo head marked above the 5th string where your pick is scraping it?

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The shape of my thumb pick blade is absolutely due to bad technique. My thumb tends to dive down and scrape the head, especially in the position farther from the bridge. After wearing flat as shown, it still works great and I don’t hit the head nearly as much.

I will check that out next practice session.
I don’t recall scraping the head or seeing any marks though since, at this stage, everything I do is rather slow and deliberate.
I’m very attentive to any :confounded: sound my picks make as a result of improper position/contact with the strings.
BTW … the new pick definitely feels/sounds a lot better.
Thanks again all for the input.:+1:

Checked my banjo head for any marks/scratches/scrapings but none were visible.
I’ve contacted Blue Chip via email and explained the situation so I’ll wait to see what they
determine as a course of action. :crossed_fingers:

Not as bad as mharrison43 but noticeable next to a brand new one.
Haven’t heard back from BlueChip yet :crossed_fingers:

Blue Chip came through with flying colors.
I sent my pick into them and very shortly received what looked like a brand new one.
Many thanks to the folks at Blue Chip. A+++ :+1:


Good to know. I’ve have 2 wear similarly in a short time period. I’ll be emailing them.