I bought the Kershner tailpiece from the store and installed it today. Boy, was that a learning lesson. First, banjo parts makers don’t believe in documentation of any kind. This drives me bananas. So, I guessed at how to install it. There are (were) two screws that I removed because they didn’t seem to do anything. Searching the internet I found they’re there for another kind of banjo, not the modern Fender style. So, in an effort to keep loose items off of my banjo, I put them in a drawer. If they serve a purpose, please tell me.
Second lesson: you need more than one loop to hold strings. I thought I had enough around the pegs… nope. Three out of five strings were slipping. Two popped off. No extra pack of strings, so I had to run to Gutter Center. Now, I probably have too much around the peg head, but they ain’t slipping or coming off.
Ordered 5 packs of strings from the store. Lesson learned.
The tailpiece itself looks so much nicer than the stock Ibanez tailpiece, and it seems to sound better. There was a slight buzz, or tinniness with the old tailpiece that is now gone. So that’s nice. And it doesn’t have a flipper thing that makes noise either! (tailpiece cover I meant - what’s the point of those things anyhow? keep stray shurikens from cutting the strings?)
Not much else to report. Here’s what it looks like. If I installed it incorrectly, please let me know.