Let’s see what the best instrument taught on the site is! Everybody pick their personal favorite, even if you play multiple!
- Banjo
- Guitar
- Mandolin
0 voters
Let’s see what the best instrument taught on the site is! Everybody pick their personal favorite, even if you play multiple!
0 voters
I play geetar and banjer, But I would have to say banjer! But I been playing geetar a little more because I got it set-up last week!!!
This survey is already tilted, there are more Geetar players here than there are Mando/Banjo students combined. You’ll also note that with every banjo & mando lesson there’s a built in Geetar rhythm TAB included. So be sure to tell all your friends this is by far the best website for learning Geetar. It’s also the best site ever for learning banjo & mandolin. Could it be that @BanjoBen is the best teacher there is? I would say so, but I’ll leave it up to you to decide.
Best guitar teacher I’ve ever had!
I Agree!!
As I mandolin picker, I can’t figure how 76% (at the moment) of the forum users are wrong (Just kidding guitar and banjo folks)
Looks like all the Geetar players are voting banjo just to prove me wrong.
Where are all the mandolin players when you need them?!
I’d probably think/say Banjo! But I don’t play Banjo or Mandolin to make a judgment to vote, so if vote I have to vote only guitar.
You definitely have an advantage on me, voting-wise. I can play all three, so it was hard to pick just one!
How is banjo still winning ??
Alright, I’ll cast my vote! To also see by how much banjo is winning.
hmm… the race is tight.
I have no idea! I’m kind of impressed actually. The guitar was in the lead at the start. CALLING ALL GUITARISTS!!! WE NEED YOUR HELP!
It is a joke, @cboling! They are just picking on banjo even in this thread! If you don’t believe me, just check which side is the one whose take is what matters most on this subject!
Lets keep our position! Banjoists!
Don’t make me second guess my decision!