Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

May Forum Hangout— May 13, 7:00 PM CST!

Hey folks, we’re holding another Forum hangout on Monday, May 13— mark your calendar if you can make it!

Once again, this is just a causal opportunity for us all to…

  • Chat
  • Share/play things we’ve been working on
  • Ask questions and share advice
  • Have fun interacting with each other in real time, which we don’t get to do very often!

The more the merrier. Last time was great fun and we’d love to have as many of you as can make it! Please feel free to bring your instrument to talk about anything you want to work on.

As usual, this will be held on a Zoom call. We’ll start at 7:00 PM CST on Monday, May 13, but please jump in at any time you can after 7!

You will need our Zoom link to join. If you can make it, just DROP A COMMENT below and I’ll add you to a PM thread with the Zoom link and any needed details. :point_down:

(Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions about Zoom or how to get set up. Last time some folks couldn’t find the PM, so If you don’t see it in your inbox within 24 hours of commenting on this thread, let me know.)

Hope to see many of you there again!



I’ll try to make it, Michael. Thanks for facilitating these.

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Got it on my calendar.

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This sounds like fun. I 'll be there (I hope.) It’s the night before my wedding anniversary.

I don’t remember what I did the night before my wedding, but I’m pretty sure it was the same sort of thing…hanging out with friends, swapping stories, having a few laughs, then deciding to learn the banjo to meet girls, just in case the one I was marrying didn’t work out. So much for plans. I ended up spending more time with my sweetie than I did practicing my banjo, so now I’m stuck being a 70 year old beginner. with a 70 year old wife and 48 years of practice saying “Yes, dear.”

Besides being the best banjo player on my street, in in the Top Three of good husbands on the street!


I’ll try to look in if I am not fast asleep

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Shoot I forgot to tell you @Michael_Mark! I found out last night that Ellie Mae’s choir concert is this night, so let’s move it to Monday night, May 13. Y’all good? Please edit the original post.


Will do!

I would love to come if I can. Please send me the link.

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I’m in.

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Will try to make it.


I would love to part of the hangout as well! It is always so much fun!

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Add me too please


Looking forward to seeing y’all in about an hour!


Sorry I missed it, Michael—we were delayed getting back from a trip. Hope everyone had a good time connecting.


Sorry Guy’s I forgot all about it. I was tired and went to bed early.


Sorry something came up and I missed it. I was going to try to stop in and say hi but ran out of time.