Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

March '25 Forum Hangout

See y’all Tuesday night, March 25, at 7pm central! I’ll post the zoom link here in the thread in the hour leading up to the meeting.

As those of you know that have joined, these are meant to be fun and help encourage us all in our picking journey. We’ll be checking in on goals that folks have made and answering questions people may have about the content on the site. Plus, as always…games and giveaways!

Have any questions you’d like addressed? Add them here as comments and I’ll do my best to answer. See you Tuesday night!


Thanks, Ben. Really enjoyed it. Looking forward to Athens.


Really enjoyed the discussion about the subtleties in the chord structure of Age performed by The Bluegrass Album band. Check out the original by Jim Croce. There’s a lot going on but I submit that the slightly different chord progressions of the three verses are all there!


Good to join you all yesterday! :slight_smile: I used a browser session, and my audio messed up towards the end when I plugged out the headphone, so had to drop. But useful session, thanks Ben for all the tips and advice on the app etc.! Good to see you, @Archie! :slight_smile: