Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Luke & Timothy Lindblom banjo and guitar duet

Hi Libby, If your replying to my post. I mean that at times the two instruments are clashing, overplaying one another.

Oh ok. I guess that’s what happens when two pros of the same level jam. That doesn’t happen to me when I jam with either of them :rofl::joy:


Roll muddy river roll on muddy river roll ooonnnnnn


I’ve never been half your level. You and @Michael_Mark are so far above me I don’t even bother trying to catch up


Nice one @Flatpickin_Libby It’s just boys being boys. Very competitive 1 .


OK that must be your another brother… :slight_smile:
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Yeah I was talking about Logan (15) in that post there. He competed in youth guitar at Galax the past 2 years. He’s just getting started.


He is doing a great job @Flatpickin_Libby applaud

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Don’t try to catch up to her. Just be different.
PSST play tony rice licks


I played a few

Because in the bluegrass guitar world it’s so “different” to play Tony Rice licks? :laughing:

Nice job, fellas! Whew!


That was awesome!


Sounded like you were telling him to be different from me :slight_smile:


Never know, soon you will be on course to becoming “catch me if you can!” :wink: like both of them. (to me, it looks you already are! :slight_smile: ) Who is the fastest here - Michael? - 270bpm (or 540bpm)??!!

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Depends on whether the tone is allowed to be terrible or not. I can rip it pretty fast after a 30 minute warmup but it sounds a bit thin :joy:

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I bet everyone can though.

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Probably people like your age or less can! But even at being terrible or “muddy” if I were to borrow from Archie, I find reaching speed is somewhat challenging! :frowning: Compared to you guys I spent much less time, that could be a reason too.

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I can go pretty fast but I’ve got some tone work to do. Not sure if it’s me or my $100 guitar. Probably a combination of both :joy:

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