Oh there is plenty of room for other instruments if they wanna jump in!
Yep better take care of the IRS…I got the random audit once a few years ago at my business…you know when they audit they are gonna find something…they got me on a technicality in a new rule…over $1.2 million in revenue at the business and they got me on something I failed to pay that year that was $380.00…fined my nearly $3k for it…that is when I looked at them and said:
I’ve been playing nice, I will only operate with my wife on my board and get rid of the rest (you have to have at least a president and a secretary) and in my by-laws I have to reimburse/ pay for any expenses that they incur if I call a board meeting (travel, food, lodging, etc) and I will call a board meeting in Vegas next week, maybe one in Germany next month…yada yada yada…it pissed them off even more-so…from that point on my wife and I had a lot of board meetings out of town and let the company expense it out.
The technicality was how we reimbursed some stuff to my board of directors for expenses. Of course I was audited by the “nazi” type, they could have let it go and gave me a warning but they chose to be dicks, even told me that they could just slap me on the wrist and no fine but in my case they were gonna fine me…that’s when I lost it.
Damn IRS!