Guess I am a nerd this way, but I have enjoyed and gotten satisfaction from actually following the lesson tracks and checking off topics as I view them. But this morning all my past checkboxes are wiped out. Yes, I am logged in. Even logged out and logged back in. True on all devices and mobiles as well. Nothing is left checked in any of the banjo and guitar tracks. Not the end of the world, since it is the knowledge that matters, but I admit that the little nerd part of me is put out.
Learning track progress erased!
That’s weird, cause mine is the same! I’m not worried about it too much either, but that is really strange how that has happened.
I just checked mine, both banjo and mandolin are wiped out. Wonder what has caused that.
None of lessons will play for some weird reason…I’m logged in,
Yeah same for me, progress erased, and I when I click on the lesson the video does not show up, I am signed in, and tech savvy, this is on my phone which is how I usually do the lessons, so i will check my computer later, I am assuming they are doing some work, or an update, maybe?
I share your frustration I have completed ALL @BanjoBen’s Banjo Lesson’s save his most recent lesson. However when I go back and revisit a lesson I find that some lessons are unchecked. It must be some issue with the database.
Everything seems OK now. I forgot the advice of, “First wait a little while and see if it gets better.”