If your ears are like mine, (and for your sake, I hope they’re not) you may have difficulty hearing what the banjo is doing in the background of whatever album you are listening to. JD Crowe hides quite bit of backup gold under the vocals, and it’s not always easy for me to hear precisely what he’s doing.
I use an app called “Anytune Pro+” (it’s like $15/one time) to help bend the odds in my favor of being able to hear what’s going on. Don’t be afraid — the interface looks complicated, but it’s really not!
In this video you’ll see that I have looped a segment of Down The Road, slowed it down, and the second time through I reframed the playback to highlight the banjo and push everything else to the back.
Neato, right!?
Some songs work better than others depending on how they were recorded