Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Is my Ubertuner broken

I have a Kliq Ubertuner and I beleive that it is set to read at 440 Hz and tuned to open G.
It is my understanging that from 1st to 5th strings in the open position it should read: D4, B3, G3, D3 and G4. Instead it reads D4, B2, G3, D4, and G3 .
Not sure that it makes a difference but my banjo is a Gold Tone Twanger OB-3.
Thanks for the help.

The tuner is just picking up octave overtones as well as the note you are playing and it’s registering them. The tuning part of it will still be accurate, though…no biggie.

Next time, don’t buy such a loud, twangy, rangy banjer :wink: