Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Is It Just Me, Or Do You Do It, Too?

I’m talking about dropping a finger pick. Almost every time I go to put them on. They bounce under chairs, roll under sofas, snatched by the dog (“DANGER!!!”) and
accidentally trod upon. They never bend back right.
Maybe it’s my location. I’ve been having a lot of problems with gravity lately.
When I take out my finger picks, I will drop at least one, 8 out of 10 times.

It’s almost enough to make me think about playing clawhammer.


Of course I do but I am careful to recover them before I tread on them.


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This reminds me of what many folks of ill repute call Butterfly Clutch clasps on the back of lapel pins. (yes, I had to Google the real name of those awful things). The term comes from what you mumble every time you drop 'em.

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“Awful” is right. When I was a wage slave I had to wear a tie most days. Tie tacks with those stupid clips were part of the look. I finally ditched the butterfly clutch for the little thingy that held my wife’s earrings. Bingo! Problem solved! Until I dropped the little thingy.
While husbands & wives should have no secrets between them, some things are best left to the realm of the unknown, like when she asked if I knew what happened to her earring clasps. Totally unknown.


Absolutely !!! And NEVER do they land in easily accessible areas !!!
As such, I now carefully put each one on individually and ensure it’s seated
before I proceed to do the other two in the same fashion.
Bingo !!! Problem solved … until I realize I forgot to do something prior
to the picks and need to use my picking hand to complete the task.
(don’t even go there if you’ve tried to grasp something with finger picks on).
Then it’s back to square one. :crazy_face:

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I recently watched two videos, one with Tony Trishka & the other with Bela Fleck. Coincidentally, both videos showed them working in the studio at a mixing board.
Both of them kept their finger picks on while making gentle adjustments to the recording, tweaking knobs on the left & right.
I’ve been practicing to do more things with picks on my fingers. Infat i tiped ths pist fwiyh ny pocks on1


They are invaluable while picking your nose

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At least they don’t go inside the instrument when dropped, like my guitar picks tend to do….Herb