Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Idea for a new "chop chord" song

Could anyone out there recommend a good song to learn using chop chords to for rhythm. I’m really only using “G-C-D” and “A-D-E” chop chords. I’ve been playing “She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain”, “Amazing Grace”, and “Rolling In My Sweet Baby’s Arms”.

Just looking for something new during this time. Thanks everyone and I hope you are staying well.


The 9lb hammer build a break is in A and not difficult to chop to & with 3 levels of melody you should find a comfortable spot to alternate chopping the lead with the mp3’s provided. I try and chop/alternate melody along with all the songs I’m working on on the site. The chords to use are printed above the top line of the tabs… just look for stuff in the keys you are currently using, G or A. (I hope that resembles what you were looking for…??? :grin:)


Hi Stuart, I guess any tune on the site would provide you with a chord progression to practice. Look for tunes that include the relative minor. In the Key of G that would be Em in C it would be Am. in D it would be Bm. The 7th chord in each key is also one you should practice that will resolve back to the root. A fun chord progression to work through is playing a sequence of 7th chords G7, C7, D7 back to G


Boil Them Cabbage Down is another nice one to play chop chords along too. Basic melody, and nice and easy to play!


Ya know, I was thinking of what site songs I like chopping with the most, my favs (of the ones I’ve worked on) would probably be red haired boy, blackberry blossom, cherokee shuffle and even wayfaring stranger cuz I like to put a little different rhythm in that one. @Lucy_L , I’ve never done the cabbage song, though I’ve heard it a bunch. Thanx for suggesting!!!