I had been considering this move for several days now and this morning, I bolted into action. I first called @Jake and told him what I was thinking and to get his advice and recommendations. You see, I play banjo. But, I’ve had this strange urge to take on guitar or mandolin, couldn’t decide which though.
So, I went insane. I bought a beginner level guitar AND a mandolin. But wait, that wasn’t insane enough, so I also picked up the Goldtone Plucky Banjo AND the Eddy Finn Cigar Box Ukulele. I figured if I don’t do anything with the Uke, it’ll look good hanging on a wall.
Boy howdy, what was I thinking??? I told Jake, and um… myself, and my Aunt and Uncle who already think I’m nuts, that if I don’t purse these new instruments, we’ll have today’s buys in the family for my little cousins (my Aunt and Uncle’s grandkids), in case they get interested in them. On the other hand, I can learn with these and if I do want to purse them more seriously, I can upgrade and we’ll have today’s buys in the family for my little cousins (my Aunt and Uncle’s grandkids), you know, in case they get interested in them. So, that’s what I told everyone… and myself. That sounds reasonable, right? I mean… yeah, that makes sense, kinda.
Oh and I also bought a hat.