Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

I hate my MacBook - Help Needed

Hi Guy’s I have been trying unsuccessfully to install an app on my MacBook Air and have ended up with an annoying message on screen that I can’t clear. It has a yellow triangle with a ! and a blue square with a @ msg reads “Unable to verify account name or password” I can’t move it close it do anything with it. It just sits there staring back at me as if to say “What Now”

You can tell I am a PC person and am lost when it comes to Mac’s

Your help to remove it would be much appreciated

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I’m not sure what is going on with the Username and Password. I have encountered three different password requirements on a MAC. Apple ID & password, User & password, and iPhone and MAC backup & password (Optional).

Sometimes Apple requires the Apple ID and PW to load an app. The last APP I loaded on my phone required the Apple ID password.

There is an option to Force Quit. Select the Apple symbol in the upper left. The Force Quit should be under that and hopefully you can get the error to clear.

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If you can take a photo and post it here maybe we can help.

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I don’t have phone/camera I tried creating a screen shot using command/shift 3 but I just get the error sound

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Thank you that did the trick


@Archie, I have found the YouTube channel “MACMOST” helpful in learning how the fruit products (APPLE) work. Two years ago I spent several hours learning numbers for basic financial applications. It was frustrating to start because it was different than EXCEL. But now, I like numbers.


Thanks I’ll check it out