Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

How do I Play 1 Over 3

Can someone tell me how to play a “1 over 3” chord on keyboard, in the key of C. Pretty sure it’s the Em chord. I just need to understand the “1 over” part.

Hi Jack, I did a few searches and this is the closest I found for you.“1+over+3”+chord+on+keyboard&rlz=1C1NWPB_enUS574US575&oq=“1+over+3”+chord+on+keyboard&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i299.3941j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

hope it helps.



You might be thinking of a “slash chord”, which displays the chord and its bass note separated by a slash. C/E would be “1 over 3” in the key of C.
This would be just a C chord with an E in the bass.


Hi Jack my knowledge of music theory and piano are zero but I do. know that Em is the relative minor in the key of G. Am being the relative minor in the key of C. E should fit in there somewhere but have to leave it to the experts to explain it. Both Dave and Mark know way more than I do.

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Appreciate all the feedback guys. I’m going to try to snip a piece of the video. Hope I don’t take this into the weeds. What I’m watching is a guy playing a C shape with his transpose switch down a few clicks, while explaining what hes doing. Its too tough to see what his hands are actually doing. Thats whats confusing me. Ill try to show video later. It’s the Crowder song All my hope.

So, this is an attempt to put the issue I’m facing into context. Note, he’s playing in C shape. I think he’s in Ab though at first, he says he’s in Bb. It’s difficult to see what his hands are actually doing.

If anyone could watch between 6:30 and 7:38, and tell me how to play it, I would be very grateful. I really want to learn this song.

I feel sure @BanjoBen would figure this out by ear.

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Yep, the song is recorded in Ab and so is that demo– I’d guess he misspoke.

All he does is start with a C chord (C in the bass) and walks that bass up to E (that’s your 1/3). He starts with a C chord in first inversion (E, G, C) and when he does the bass walk in the left hand, he correspondingly does a little walk in his right (E, F, G). Then the normal F chord and he throws in that quick Bb - F progression back to C. The 4/5 is an F with a G in the bass.


Wow great job @Michael_Mark you know your stuff

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Got it! That was perfect Mark…thank you. May have to ask some more later. Thank you again.