Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Hosted My First Jam...Success!

On Saturday I hosted my first bluegrass jam in a park near our home. (My wife isn’t a bluegrass fan and had ‘discouraged’ me from having the jam on our patio.). I invited a group made up of a couple music teachers and a bunch of beginner or intermediate level players. We had about 10 - 12 players most of the time and some of the neighbors stopped by to see what was happening. My non-bluegrass-loving wife even stopped by and said, “Wow, you guys were good. You should do another one in September!” (Note she did not say “you should do one at the house…”) Anyway, it was a great time with friends and an overall success. If you haven’t hosted your own jam…try it! It’ll be fun!


I guess you forgot to include the video @ScubaNut2014 Ron


How fun! Congrats! I’ll echo @Archie’s call for a video.


Sounds fun @ScubaNut2014 ! Finding some teachers to attend is a great idea!

Just to let ya’ll know @JohnnyD is quite the jam host himself!


My son’s mother in law took some video…I’ll see what I can find!


Where on earth did this week go? Well, I finally got around to selecting a few videos from my jam…nothing fancy here. My focus at the jam was trying to keep it on the rails and having fun…I forgot to set up my own video and audio recording devices so I had to borrow from someone else’s posts. Anyway, what you’ll see here are some amateur musicians having a good time.


This is very cool man, thanks very much for sharing.

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Thanks, Todd2. The video itself wasn’t anything to brag about…I do a lot of much better productions with my travelling buddy Spot (see You Tube daSpotdaStar3353)…but I had enough people asking for video that I thought I should grab some my son’s mother-in-law took and go from there. Basically we had a formerly shy (his words) fiddler, a quiet banjo player, a time-challenged guitar player and a few others (including me with my basic mando skills and bad-trying-tenor-all-flat-notes-singing) but we had a blast. Nobody wanted to leave when the time came and it was just a good time had by all.


Looks like a great time!!! Great job!

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I’m thinking mainly in terms of, I had just watched some of the Kristen Benson “Jam Survival” video, and she was talking about making progressive steps…like, maybe you go to a jam and stay outside the circle and just chop, and how that’s a big step to take.

Then a little bit later I see this, and I think “Man, that’s pretty cool to organize your own jam even if it’s shy people, beginners, whatever.” So again, congrats, you made a lot of people happy and that’s just a pretty cool thing if you ask me.


Thanks for the feedback. We did have a great time and people didn’t really want to quit when we did. Definitely gonna do it again.