Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Good ole mountain dew [EDIT + BLOOPER!]

Heres another of the songs we’ve done for my Dad as he’s recovering. At the end Banjo son loses a pick :rofl: after being taunted by Guitar son to do the fast ending… hope yall get a smile outta it:


Ha thats funny! And great playin! Love watch your videos! :cowboy_hat_face::+1:


Another excellent performance @Simone

Tell me what lyrics did your son sing in the first two verses they didn’t sound like the words I know and I am guessing they were funny because y’all raised a big smile.



Wonderful job! Whenever I see y’all I wanna grab my Mandolin and join the fun.

Not that I could add anything but it looks so much like your comfy and having fun… and that me wish I could try anyway… :+1::facepunch:

I dig the second revved-up ending! :smirk::wink:

Thanks for sharing the joy


That was Fantastic! Thank’s fer Putin a smile on me face, I needed it and it felt GOOOOOD! :upside_down_face::sunglasses: Ya’ll play real nice together, hope to see more. Big fan!


That’s really good!!


Thank you @Severin! So glad you enjoyed it! :grin:


Thank you @Archie!! We were doing the Grandpa Jones version, but some family names were added for fun by Banjo son - myself & Guitar son did not know he was doing that till it happened. The “real” lyric goes: “my old ant June bought some brand new perfume, it had such a sweet smelling pew” - Banjo son changed it to: “my old ant SUE
bought some brand new perfume, it had such a FOUL smelling pew” (Sue who lives far away thought this was funny by the way!) Then we were laughing & he was smiling cuz he was plotting his next move: the real lyrics go “My uncle Mort he’s sawed off & short, he measures about 4 foot 2” Banjo son changed it to “My uncle KEITH he MANAGES about 4 foot 2” (Keith who lives nearby & is actually short, got all worked up about that, then laughed it off)
This was our 2nd & final try to record. The 1st one ended in goofy lyrics (no names were changed at that point) but we were all silly by time we did 2nd recording. :grin::rofl: maybe I’ll post the end blooper from the 1st try (which caused all the silliness to begin with…)


Thanks @WillCoop!!
Then that’s exactly what u should do, pull out that mando & pick along. I’ve picked along with several musical posts on here for a change of pace & to see if I could do it (or not)!! I’m sure there’s plenty you’d add👍🏻! Glad u liked the fast ending, he used to do that at jams (way before I ever even thought of playing mandolin) & folks used to like it, came to expect it even.


Thank you @jon1!!
So glad it got u a smile :grin:! The nurse at hospital where Dad’s recovering sent me back a video of him smiling away & guess what, he grabbed 2 spoons off his meal trays & was playing the spoons along w the video! Score!! :blush: strange thing is we really didn’t play that much together until this spring, & now, doing these videos, its about twice a week for about a half hour. Side effect: it’s been great fun!


Thank you @JohnM !! Appreciate it :blush:!!


That’ll be fun to see., bloopers can often be much funnier, I bet you @BanjoBen has had a few over the years when he has been recording lessons.


What a Wonderfull reaction from your dad. Giving him another reason to smile and feel good will surely help in his recovery. ( I hope he is expected to recover fully and soon) Playing with your boys has so many blessings on so many levels, not just for you but for them as well. I think of the great memories this will bring and that’s priceless. How great is that!:heart_eyes:


I think it is awesome that you named your children “Banjo son” and “Guitar son.”



It reminds me… As I seem to recall reading a theory on the origin of the term break (like from Break)… That it was a song played at breakneck speed to close out a set… and sorta suggest or “discourage” ongoing Dancin’.

Not sure if “break” is breakdown - like to

  1. Pick apart a song to solo fast over it

  2. Play at breakneck speed

  3. Signal that band will break (last song) and to kinda signal a break in dancing.


I think its awesome you posted that because every time I wrote “Banjo/Guitar son” in these recent posts I was laughing… at myself… :rofl::rofl::woman_facepalming::grin::grimacing:


Ok, here’s the edit: added short clip of lyrics blooper from 1st recording attempt that made everyone silly for the 2nd & final version previously posted:


That was awesome!! (The bloopers were funny too!)


Yeh, I wondered about that too @Mike_R How could @Simone know that Banjo Son would grow up to be a Banjer Player and Guitar Son would play Geetar maybe she had a premandonition gif


Pre-mandolin-ition :thinking::clap::laughing::face_with_hand_over_mouth: