Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Gaelic singing

I’ve just found this on YouTube, and, even though I can’t understand a word of it, I really love it.


I kept expecting to hear a phrase end with “aaaaaaaay macarena”

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The Translation is above. It is a form of Mouth music often humorous nonsense. My wife can sing not in Gaelic but Scots English. There are so many colloquialisms in it she can make rhymes from almost nothing.

Great Post. Liked it a Lot: wink:


Sounds great!

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How you can post a video like this with a pic? When i post a video comes only a link… hope you understand my terrible english…


I just copied the You Tube link and Pasted it into the reply box. Once I hit the reply button the link went live as it were.


One of my favorites

A few more…

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Quite wonderful stuff and thank you for posting. It is very reminiscent of what I would hear when my wife and I lived on the West Coast Of Scotland.

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I guess ALL music is humorous nonsense when all is said and done. Gaelic is an ancient language still spoken in The Highlands and Islands of Scotland, Ireland and parts of Canada.

Translation into English doesn’t always make much sense.

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