Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Fretting hand problem

I realize nothing comes easy without being difficult at first.
However, any advice for someone with small hands and short/stubby fingers attempting to
maintain correct fretting chord positions ??? Most difficult position(s) are chords using Index and Ring fingers.
Any stretching or other exercises or other methods/accessories that are proven useful ??
Thanks so much for any helpful advice.

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Hi Steve Which instrument?

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Hi, Archie,
Banjo. Just wanted to know if there are any suggested/preferred methods, techniques, etc. that would be “physically” beneficial for reaching chord positions?
Any advice would be appreciated.

Hi Steve,
You kind of nailed it when you said things are difficult at first. It’s good to check your finger, arm, wrist and hand position to make sure it looks like someone who has good looking technique (like Ben). That said, sometimes people have to take different approaches due to physical differences. It can be VERY helpful to post a video to get some feedback. Sometimes when I have a reach issue, I’ll practice it capoed up to make it a shorter reach and then work my way back down once I can do it at a higher fret. Practicing often for shorter durations helps me. We all have challenges with fretting things at various times and it does take some time and it does generally get easier. I am currently struggling with a phrase from the end of the song. The rest of the song was learned relatively quickly and a couple things are just taking me a long time and feel totally awkward (there is a pinky pull-off and a stretch).
Best of luck, let us know how it goes, and if in doubt post a video.


My advice for what it is worth is not to overstretch your fingers especially your pinky and hand position. Make the chord shape and hold that position for a count of 20 seconds relax and shake your hand loosely, repeat the process about thirty times each day for a week or two. The bar chord exercise, Bar across the first three strings with the index finger and reach along the first and second strings with the pinky. This is a tough one and it takes a lot of practice over time. What your doing is training the brain to make these shapes automatically. If you follow @BanjoBen 's beginner learning track you’ll find all you need there. Remember it is important to relax the hands. I often wash my hands in warm soapy water (especially in winter) when my hands are cold and stiff. It helps get the circulation going


Thanks so much for the great practical and beneficial advice.
I appreciate your input and suggestions.