Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Forum troubles

For a couple days I’ve been having problems accessing the site, I’ve been getting lots of 502 bad gateway messages, and I’m wondering is this problem on my end? Has anyone else had this issue?

Same here…I don’t think it’s your problem…

Same. It usually corrects itself if I refresh. Something’s going on on the server.

Yep, had the same on my phone, just reloaded and although a bit slow, loaded up OK.

Me too!

I’ve let Stephen know so that maybe we can one day get a stable forum. It would be so rad!

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Ok, thanks. It does work if I refresh the page, I was just wondering. The one other forum I’m on also occasionally has problems.

Been experiencing the same / similar intermittent error messages for a couple of days. Thankfully it is not too serious, refreshing the browser seems to fix the problem for a short while…

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I’ve reported the issue to Stephen, the web dev guru. He’s on it.

I’ve done some upgrades and restarted the server. Please let me know if you see further problems. Thanks!


Still having some trouble, @Stephen_Hewitt. I just tried to load the Forum home page and got the error:


Server Error

while trying to load /forum/latest.json?order=default

Error code: 502 error

I was able to refresh and it loaded the second time.

@Mark_Rocka We’ve tweaked some configuration settings per the vendor’s advice and have not been seeing the crashes. Please let me know what you see. Thanks!

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Not seen any errors today @Stephen_Hewitt

Looking good here so far, too.

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Howdy - the top 2 links aren’t working here:



Hi @ukuleleclare Clare welcome to @BanjoBen 's Forum let me see if I can get someone to fix this for you.

Hi @Michael_Mark can you check the links in Ben’s post Clare is referring to in her post above. They seem no longer valid.

Hey @ukuleleclare, welcome to the forum! Unfortunately the download links in that thread have expired (common with older forum threads) so it’ll depend on if Ben still has those files. If he does, we’ll get them to you. Thanks for joining the forum!


Sure, here you go

Ban-DLicks-CS.pdf (46.6 KB)

Ban-DLicks-CS.tef (2.2 KB)


Hmmm, looks like that isn’t working either. Don’t know why the .pdf won’t work. I’ll try sending them by email to you.


TestPdf.pdf (182.7 KB)

Interesting my test pdf (says bigger size) works.