@JohnnyD has passed along another prime home practice photo, so let’s do another round of our caption contest! Write your captions below, and after a week Ben will pick the top three and we’ll have a final poll for the winner. Prize is a $25 General Store gift card
Forum Caption Contest (Round 2)
“I guess nobody told him. Mama don’t allow no banjo pickin’ around here!”
Nothing better than a good lollipop!
“The D still sounds a little flat, Papa”.
This teething ring is a little big don’t you think grandpa
“That’s not how Earl played it…”
Bundled with Banjo - Manifold Joy!
Tastes like it… "NEEDS MORE BANJO!"
She said ‘is that your banjo?’ I said ‘yea.’ And here we are.
One bite at a time, I will get rid of this thing
“Me gotta go, eat’n banjo, on the lap-o,
My papa the sweetest one, me -oh, my oh
Git’r tuned, don’t be ruined, and just play-o
Son of a gun, I’m hav’n fun eat’n this banjo.”
Now, THAT’S one tasty lick!
Here is an new banjo accessory, the tone guard/capo holder. The only current style is “Extra Cute”
Roll in my sweet baby’s arms!
When you take Banjo Ben’s Pick-A-Lick lessons a little too serious.
"You play dem frets up dare, n’
I’ll play deez down here "
"YIKES . . . and for this I gave up 9 months of comfort, peace, n’ quiet " ???
When you use tongue oil instead of lacquer!
“Dayum, Baby”
If you stop picking at it,
it might heal up.