Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Feeling unmotivated - help please

Hello all!
I’m feeling unmotivated and just don’t feel like picking up my banjo, which is most unlike me. What can you suggest to help me get back on track?

There are two main reasons for my demotivation, I think: My playing partner is unable to continue for a while and circumstances mean that I can’t go to a festival I’ve been looking forward to.

I’m still enjoying Ben’s learning track and am making progress but getting going is a problem at the moment.

Any suggestions (that don’t involve spending money!)?
Thanks in advance for your replies.


Hi @RichardC111 Richard I have lost count of the times I have felt that way. It’s no big issue to take a break sometimes. As a matter of fact it often helps with the learning process when the brain takes a break from study.

What usually kicks me back into action is a tune or a lesson I see on YouTube. @BanjoBen has got hundreds of video trailers on his YouTube Channel. Scroll through these till you find one that inspires you then come back to the site and check out the lesson.

I am sure others have other tricks that works for them.


Hey Richard. Came here to say basically what Archie said. I’ve lost my mojo more times than I can count. One thing that helps me get fired back up is forcing myself to go to a local jam.

If that’s not an option, I agree with Archie that it’s OK to just take a break for a while. If it’s not paying the bills (and seriously, does bluegrass EVER really pay the bills?) then just do something with your free time that you enjoy and don’t worry about it. The itch will come back. It always has for me.


I would definitely not qualify as an expert musical advisor but you might find a few albums of that you really like and listen to them pretty intentionally. Listen closely to the banjo and how it backs up other instruments then transitions to a lead role. Listen to the other instruments as then compliment each other.


Having a playing partner makes a huge difference. I don’t think it is surprising that losing that partner for a while has made an impact on your playing. Perhaps you all could have a couple songs to work on for when you get back together?


@RichardC111, I’m going to email you the link for Kristin Scott Benson’s live event with me tonight at 7pm central, as a gift. Watch it with banjo in hand and we’ll both pray for motivation :slight_smile:


Nice, Mr. Clark! Hope to see ya there @RichardC111. This goes along with the overall idea of just keeping engaged. Just being here on the Forum keeps it all within reach. I like to listen to the Picky Fingers Podcast, there’s also My Toy Heart, Walls of Time, there’s a number of good ones out there. Or maybe just going to support some local artists or concerts in town could spark some motivation.


@BanjoBen Thank you so much for your incredibly generous offer! I’m humbled and already motivated again simply because of that gesture.
I won’t be able to join you live as it’ll be 2am here in France, and I don’t think either the neighbours or the dogs would appreciate me playing in the small hours! As it stands I’m just about ready for bed now!
But thank you once again.

To all the others who have replied, thank you too for all your suggestions.
@Mike_R I can rationalise the brake that not having a playing partner has made and yes, I’ll be working on our song list - I have some targets to aim for but, to be honest I don’t know when we’ll be able to get together again, probably months rather than weeks.
@Archie Thanks for your words. I shall certainly go through Ben’s lessons looking for inspiration.
@Mark_Rocka If only I could find a local jam! I think I’ll have to try and learn some French traditional dance tunes. Although it’s not a traditional instrument here, the banjo does go well with the local fiddles, accordions and bagpipes. Then I can seek out others to play with.
@Stuart.Gamble I shall look out some music to listen to. I definitely could use a wider exposure to banjo music.
@Brent.H Would love to meet up at the live event but unfortunately it’s WAY past my bedtime! Will look up some of those podcasts though. Thanks.

Thangs again for all your replies.


You can review the lesson with the link I sent, enjoy!


Once again, I really appreciate the support. I shall settle down this afternoon to watch it. I’m already feeling motivated because of that and all the other posts.


I too, as a beginner, am in no way an expert advice provider but I’ll share what works for me.
Undoubtedly, as a beginner, the frustration level is typically at an all time high and dealing with it
in a productive, positive manner is challenging for sure.
There are practice times I can do nothing wrong and seems like I could practice for hours on end.
Unfortunately, at my golden age, my back n’ behind dictate differently.
Then, there are days that I absolutely wonder who is owning my hands/fingers as everything I tried
very successfully the day before seemed to vanish.
I simply do the best I can. Put my banjo up for a day or two. (no pressure) and return with a positive attitude.
I would also suggest you checkout Ben’s 12 Tips For Successful Practice … particularly #11 Restarts Are Free.
Get yourself some humorous, motivational, inspirational, nonsensical signs and put them in your practice area for a little moral boost.
Hope some of this helps. :crossed_fingers:


I wonder what can un-motivate a person as I’m always motivated by doing things I like (of course things with right objectives!) But I understand if what you like is for reasons or involves other than self, external factors that you do not have control over come into play, and that could be reason for demotivation.

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Speaking for myself, I can say “Life.”

Working full time, raising kids, daily duties… there are days where after I’ve taken care of everything I NEED to do, I don’t have it in me to do the things I WANT to do.

Also, it seems life always finds a way of demotivating me on a longer scale. The last time I was gung ho was a couple of years ago after one of Ben’s camps. I was going to jams every week and practicing at home a lot. Then my dad’s house (my childhood home) burned down and that took the wind out of my picking sails for over a year.

Thankfully I’m in the zone again, knock on wood. Hoping and praying to get one of those Kristin Scott Benson lesson spots soon.



OK I get your point! Likewise, in my case, I wanted to make chess as my career once but that would not happen due to circumstances. It would not deter me from playing chess for fun, and I enjoy that. Can then demotivation be attributed to lofty goals??

But as for “Life” and daily burdens, I’ll have to touch upon spiritual (not the spirituality! :wink: ). Life without Life (true Life that is!) is with no useful purpose and hence can be demotivating. John 1:4, “In him was life; and the life was the light of men.” Mary sought that Life! “41 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: 42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” So, whatever be the circumstance, it cannot play a demotivating role in those who have true life! And the true life does restoration as well! :slight_smile:

That’s good!

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On a side note, I just hear 22 injured in a Qatar Airways flight to Dublin, Ireland. Last week, I was on another Qatar Airways flight, and landing at Miami airport was diverted due to thunderstorms, which would not resume afterwards due to some technical issue. But I’m safe! So, cheer up! Let that not demotivate one to fly, as wind and turbulence would obey to true Life! :slight_smile:

@JohnM I understand your point of view - I’m normally really motivated. In fact, my wife says my unmotivated is more than most people’s motivated!

But this week, I’m back on it and, as a result I can analyse my demotivation. The demotivating factors were, as I thought, losing my playing partners and being unable to get to my long-planned festival. They left me without some of my main goals for the year. In fact, at times, losing my playing partner has felt like breaking up with a girlfriend!

The replies here were a tremendous help in my remotivation - @BanjoBen’s generous offer left me thinking I can’t let him down and the time others spent in crafting responses really helped too.
In particular, I’d single out @Archie: His comment about finding inspiration in Ben’s lessons set me thinking: My local bar had a great St Patrick’s celebration (not easy to find here in rural France!) and I’ve set myself the target of learning a few tunes to play there next year. I went through the learning tracks and have bookmarked a few to work on.

Having a couple of regular playing partners has been great for my development as a musician but meant that I was spending a lot of time just practising for our sessions together and limited the progress I’ve been making through Ben’s learning track. After time for reflection, I’m motivated to continue with this aspect of my practice. I have reorganised my sessions and can clearly see what I’m aiming for.

Thanks again to all for your replies!


Hi @RichardC111 Glad my words struck a chord (pun intended)


@RichardC111, I was curious what could possibly demotivate when one is so passionate about it. But after @Mark_Rocka’s response, I could think of many things that could demotivate or frustrate even amateur people like us who do it for fun. As I know it is different in the case of professionals where many things can demotivate them unless they can reach a certain level within certain time. Making progress (on subjective scale) can help us motivated. For my pace, there is ample things to learn to keep me motivated lifetime about Ben’s lessons! I’m glad you found some needed motivation from Ben and from fellow forum member posts! Also, I hope you find some playing partners to fill up the vacuum in due course! :slight_smile: