Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Feeling like a musical victory

So the last couple of days I stayed with my parents to help out with a things since my mom was having a medical procedure (results came back good that I’m grateful for that!!!). I brought my guitar to work on songs for the TX cabin camp next week. I was working on the melody/solo for “Unclouded Day” yesterday afternoon. I wasn’t singing along or even mention anything about the song I was playing. I put my guitar back in the case and then noticed my dad was singing the chorus to unclouded day while tinkering with the window blinds. I kind of hit me that I guess I was playing well enough for the melody to be recognized, which made me smile. Anyway I can’t remember that ever happening to me; I’m sure it’s a small thing but it felt pretty big to me.


That is way cool!


That’s excellent! And quite a compliment on your picking progress.
I guess you’re not too far from starting a family band!


Are you sure he wasn’t listening to the weather forecast on the radio @Stuart.Gamble. Here in the UK it’s been constant rain and grey sky’s since the fall.


@Archie Ha Ha :joy:

Awesome, @Stuart.Gamble! I look forward to seeing you at camp.

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