I’ve recently started breaking licks down to practice one at a time in different songs. I’ve been struggling for years being able to add licks outside of the mundane G run and Foggy Mountain lick-type stuff on the fly.
While talking to Katy recently, she said something that changed the way I think about this problem. She said “Just because you can play a song full of licks doesn’t mean those licks are part of your lick vocabulary.” That was a moment for me! It seems so obvious now, but it took her saying that to flip the switch.
She compared it to learning a new language. Just because you can sing an entire song in Spanish doesn’t mean you can use the words in that song in everyday language. You have to break the words out and use them in other scenarios.
Licks are the same way. What I’m thinking about doing is creating a single recording that rolls through multiple songs so I can practice a lick across tempos and different chord changes without having to load up news songs.
I’ve already added a couple of simple licks to the vocabulary. It’s been a long time since I’ve been this excited about banjo!