Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Mandolin lesson: Wildwood Flower

Most everyone knows this song, and those that do LOVE it! This is a great basic version in the key of C that follows the melody very closely. I’m excited to give the beginners another great tune to learn, as well as offer more experienced players something that’s fun to play!

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The melody starts on beat 3 Of the 4/4 measure. When you count off the 130 bpm accompaniment, you say “1, 2, 1-2-3”. Does that mean I come in on the third count after you say 3? Is the accompaniment coming in on beat 2? Thank you

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Welcome @wdschube!

The count off is mainly to set the tempo of the song. The first two notes of the solo are on beat 4; the accompaniment comes in on beat 1 of the following measure.

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Why does is start on the 4 in the jam along tracks but it starts on the 3 in the tabs?


Your first two notes in the tab are pickup notes.

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I don’t understand what you mean. In you last response you said the first two notes are on the 4 and the accompaniments come in on the 1 in the next measure but they are quarter notes and there are two of them. Wouldn’t they have to be eighth notes to be on the same count?


Whoops, looks like the tab and the backing track ended up counted differently!

The pickup notes I was referring to are on beats 3 and 4 in the tab, and the implied beat 4 in the backing track. Each metronome click in the backing track was regarded as a quarter note, but to play in time with the backing track, “quarter notes” in the tab have to be counted as “eighth notes” when played along with the backing track.

This is all based off counting that faster “1-2-3” as quarter notes (because it is implied there are four of those beats in a measure).

This doesn’t affect the actual speed of the song, but it can get confusing when one musician counts beats a different way than another. Apologies for the confusion!


Yeah the counting being off, I believe has occurred in other songs too, I’ve had a lot of trouble with not being able to kick off with the play alongs. I sure wish there was a section showing the best chord shapes for the rhythm. I’m all over the board trying to find the right chords for the song. Mainly the c7. Would love to be able to strum the c7 and chop it. Thanks

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This lesson doesn’t directly teach Wildwood Flower, but it’s all about 7th chords (like C7) and how to find and use them!