Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Mandolin lesson: June Apple

This tune is just flat out fun to play! It’s in the key of “A,” but it’s in the myxolodian mode which means there’s a little twist to the sound. I know you’re gonna love it!


Man, another good one! You’re on fire!

Do you think maybe you can spend some time in an upcoming CabinStream to talk about what this means? I’m only vaguely familiar with modes and have zero exposure for how to properly apply them.


Ben…regarding a turn-around on June Apple (mandolin): Where would you place it on the TAB sheet? At the end of measure 36?

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If you wanted to repeat the solo, you would play through the end of measure 34 then go right back to measure 3. Measures 35-38 are an ending written to sound like part of the song.

Adding to a long ago lesson but new for me…I’ve been working on this for quite awhile and can even improvise on it a bit (usually when I lose my spot on the tune; I can still keep the timing).
Do you have any advice on speed? No problem on the 150bpm, but I’m barely hanging on at 180. I’m trying to keep my fingers planted whenever I can. I work on each phrase separately to get up speed. I work on speed incrementally. I play with musicians better (and faster) than me.
Great version of this tune, by the way. Any chance of developing a harmony on it?


Hard for me to advise on speed without seeing you play, sorry! It is great that you play with faster pickers!

Regarding the harmony, let’s do it together! Do you have any idea on how to get it started?

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Realistically, I need to review your other tunes that have harmony; Chinquapin Hunting, Big Sciota, etc and listen to you again! I tend to (still) zone out on the ‘why’ and just want to hear it. Love Big Sciota and will be putting that harmony in the jam mix today.

As for speed, I still have a hard time keeping my fingers close to the frets when I’m not using them, especially the pinkie…

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Here’s a video at 3 different speeds
Looks like I dig into the strings too far.


Sounds great, Marian!

It looks like your picking hand is somewhat stiff, and you may not be using enough joint movement to play. Using more movement in the arm, wrist, and thumb will allow you to more easily adjust the angle of your pick against the strings. It appears that your hand is trying to keep the pick perfectly parallel to the strings; I’d suggest experimenting with a slight forward tilt to help the pick glide over the strings better.

From what I can tell, at certain times in the song, you’re keeping your wrist mostly stiff and using your arm to play; at other times, you’re keeping your arm still and using wrist movement to play. What we want is a combination of these.

Also, make sure that your thumb and index fingers are pointing in opposite (or as close to opposite as possible) directions. This provides for a more stable pick grip and better mechanics in the hand.


Thanks for that video! I can’t improve much on @Michael_Mark’s astute advice. We’ve got to work on getting you moving more.

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Okay, guys, thanks for the input. I think I’ll play in front of a mirror and see if I can readjust my habits. And review your Mando basics lessons again…appreciate your help!