Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Mandolin lesson: Exploring Backup- Ballads in D

Beautiful ballad backup is the bomb! We’ll check out the key of D and show you how to play some purty stuff!


I know that folks are gonna ask about this, so here you go!
Man-IveForgottenYou.pdf (52.2 KB) Man-IveForgottenYou.tef (1.6 KB)


Very purty stuff. Ben, you’ve given us mandofans a very good October. Thank you! A true embarrassment of riches.

Thanks for adding this. I have learned so much from you already. If you’re reading this and still on the fence about becoming a Gold Pick member, you’re missing out on some great stuff.


What about applying these rolls to 3/4 time? Would cutting out one set of the 4 work as well?

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I reckon it would! Just cut out a couple eighth notes.

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Hey Ben! Great lesson here. :slight_smile:

I am working on the pull off lick in measure 28 of the exercise. Any advice on perfecting this trick (maybe another lesson)…I never knew how to recreate this when I heard it and now you are unlocking secrets. Must learn this lick. Lol

Sierra Hull loves this move…and darn it I do too!

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Measure 28 of which exercise?

Dave, I am guessing that is measure 28 of the man ballad tab.

Jeremy, I agree that it is a pretty lick. What kind of problems are you having with the pulloff? Is it just getting the tone strong?

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Mandolin:Backing up in the Key of D.

I have been working on the pull off roll that Ben does on the E string on measure 28 of the lesson. I understand that I will need to practice the technique in order to master it but I was hoping for a more focused explanation or exercise of that particular trick. Thanks!

It’s both technique and timing that I’m struggling with. I can’t quite get that rolling effect and I must get it! Lol

One approach can be to play it very slow, but with exact timing. After run through more times than seems reasonable, very likely your speed and fluency to start to increase.


I have watched the video and studied the technique in order to practice. But I’m still not entirely sure where to go once I pull off from 3rd to 2nd fret on E string. I know I end the lick on the D note on the A string but my technique is sloppy because I’m still trying to crack the code.

I appreciate the help from everyone!

Daniel covered the timing well. Basically slow it down and repeat until it gets ingrained. I also sometimes have to listen to a lick quite a few times to get it in my head. I prefer to mentally “hear” how it should be instead of counting it out, but either way works.

As far as the pull off tone, pull offs take a little bit of time to get sounding good on a mando, but once you get it, it is easier (for me) than picking notes out. The big issue I see with folks on pull off volume and tone is they pull their finger up and away from the fingerboard. Based on the naming of “pull off”, that seems reasonable, but it doesn’t make much volume. When I pull off, I am dragging my finger across the string as I release to the lower note. It is really like a miniature picking motion with the fretting finger. Ben has a video on the technique that is better than I can explain it:

Keep at it and let us know how it goes. Pull offs take a little time, but it soon becomes second nature.


Thanks Mike.

You are a great help! Thanks for taking the time to help
A fellow picker just trying to get there! Lol

I can’t wait to check out the content. Got plenty of snow here so I may just practice pull-offs all day. :slight_smile:


One other note. I played that lick a bit and one thing noticed is that for me, there is a subtle feel that makes the lick sweeter. It is a little syncopated and the pull off on the and of 2 started a nice, orderly descending set of notes. Slightly accenting that pull off seems to lead the ear nicely to the descending scale.