Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the lesson: Sight Training for Guitar

The guitar picker is often the leader of the jam, but do you know how to read 'em? This lesson is mainly for those that do NOT play guitar but want to understand what guitar pickers are doing!


Great lesson! In a bluegrass jam, do you normally play the C#m barre chord or this C#m?

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I had never thought of that shape :grinning:
So yes, I might be a barre guy. I’ll probably more often often play a C#m7 X46600

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Thank you! I had learned that one from a guitar chord book and since I struggle a lot with barre chords, I found myself going to that one. I’ll have to work on my barre chords a little more.:slightly_smiling_face:

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U guys sell that banjo stand in the background?



Yes, will be in the store later this year…working on a batch now.

This lesson, ,.,just watched it today" and I say thanks! Last night picking with my parking lot friends I always find it so challenging to get what chords are being played by the lead guitar “partially!” I know my banjo picking stumps the guitarists there too Robin:

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Great. Will be checking the store out.

I love this sight reading series.

Would it be possible to add to the key reveal at the end to add all the chords that were played so I can see if I get them all right?

