Hey Salty Dogs, beginner here, and I’m having a lot of trouble with the timing of the strum in measure 21 and its twin in 29, in that middle section of the lesson where we first add strums. Its placement there feels . . . weird. Like it doesn’t smoothly connect the end of the one phrase in C and the beginning of the next in G.
This a common sort of sticky spot for a beginner, is there some special musical jargon to go along with the weirdness I’m feeling there, or is this just another of those personal bumps in the road I’ll encounter, dependent on my own set of unique deficiencies that I bring to the table?
I’m going to try very slowly clapping (well, whapping my leg) while playing the melody in my head, to see exactly where I might place that strum to make it “click”.
Any other suggestions, comments, and encouragements appreciated.