Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Guitar lesson: Salt Creek- Melody Solo

There’s lots of places to be, but up Salt Creek without a paddle ain’t a good one. Let’s learn the bare bones melody of this classic fiddle tune that will prepare you to navigate the rapids later on.


That happens to be the one I am studying now it is a good tune with a good jig bounce to it .I may not get to the 200 beats but I figure about 160 to 170 would be plenty fast for me. Getting the feel to tune and am making progress,.


Hello, I just signed up last week & have been working on Salt Creek, using the 120bpm trying to get in time & play the melody. I keep getting lost during the track & wonder if it is meant to repeat 3 times? AA BB, AA BB, AA BB, ending?

Welcome to the site! I don’t have have a 120BPM track in particular, but yes that is the form. It is the same as the guitar solo track but slowed down. Thanks!

whoops, its 150bpm on Salt Creek, not 120. I’m also working on Arkansas Traveler & it has a 120bpm track & had them mixed up. I try to whistle or hum the melody to the rhythm tracks before I play to get the timing down…but still get lost, but getting better. I have to admit I have not gone through the rhythm lesson & am hoping that will help me with my timing on the melody & playing with the tracks. Any thoughts on the timing & how to improve timing?

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Best way to get the melody in your head is to put headphones on and just listen to the mp3 tracks over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Use TablEdit/TefVeiw to help you get the timing right and build speed in small increments.

Patience, Practice and Perseverance is the Key to learning guitar/banjo and mandolin. There are NO shortcuts.

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Yes, @Archie has some really good advice here, precisely what I was going to say. Listen to my solo MP3 quite a bit, use TablEdit/TefView to listen to the solo slowed way down and practice timing, and keep at it!

Thank you Both. I appreciate the quick responses and ideas. Great website & tools to help me learn, thanks.

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I have been working on this off and on and playing it about 120 without many errors recently. I have been learning about rests, that at a rest you stop the previous note from ringing out. Salt Creek has a 1/8 note rest in measure 19. How do you stop the & note from ringing? With your left hand or right hand,and if with the right is it with a pick finger, your thumb,or middle finger. I’m trying different things and to be ready for the upstroke A after the rest. It seems the thumb on the pick works good to keep time, up on &

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That’s a great question! Sometimes the rests in my tabs aren’t there to actually create silence, but to clarify that you should pause. The silence here would be optional depending on if you want that note to stop or not. To me it sounds pretty good if I mute it for the rest, and I’d do that by lifting my left fret finger off the string enough to stop the ringing.

Thanks Ben, with the left hand is probably easier than trying to mute it with my pick thumb as I stoke down for the up pick. Takes less coordination and I struggle with that to begin with but I want to practice for the most efficient way.

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Ben, I am trying to get the tab for Salt Creek but when I hit the PDF button this is what I get; This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below, followd by what appears to be a bunch of code. Do you have any idea what has happened? Why won’t the PDF load?

Hi @Hartley_Wootton,

It appears either the file is invalid or the file reader is invalid.

Maybe the file is not setup to open with a pdf reader?? Right click on the file and select properties to make sure it is tied to a pdf reader.


Hi @Hartley_Wootton Hartley, The PDF TAB opens just fine in the Chrome Browser on a PC and Adobe Reader . How are you accessing this file?

Btw, I use Microsoft edge, and no Adobe extension included with this my browser, so when I click on the pdf button/option, it downloads to let me use a reader installed on my computer to open it up. If you use Chrome, maybe the browser is not aware that an extension is not installed and that it tries to open the file, instead of downloading it??

So, I think the solution could be, you should either add a reader extension to your browser OR download the file (using right click) and use a reader on your computer.

Did you read my post? Chrome opens the file in the browser it also auto downloads the file which can be read with Adobe Reader offline

Yes Archie @Archie, I read your post, but my understanding was Adobe reader extension was not provided as default with Chrome (I could be wrong and I have not really used Chrome). And hence my post based on my understanding to Hartley with some solution for the various scenarios.

John, yes I read it but I didn’t understand a word of it. I am all but computer illiterate. Is there a set of simple instructions I can follow to open this up and read the file? Please forgive this old man’s ignorance. I’m trying to learn.

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chromeBy the way, I’m not using Chrome, just plain Google.

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Hartley, no issues. It is not all that difficult if someone could explain to you. What browser do you use? If Chrome, Archie might be able to give you someone screen shots to guide you. If Microsoft edge, I can help you.