For those of you that read this and like what Ben has revealed? Start working on that “ear” if you don’t hear it.
For those of you at the level when you can just start picking out a melody but need to work on your ear? Take those digital tuners off your guitar and tune by ear. That’s a good place to start. If you have a single reference note? You should be able to tune your instrument.
If you play to backing tracks to practice? Tune to that. You need to start learning what the notes are, you’ll have to if you want to “get good”, might as well get started. Teach your ear to tell you “when things are right”. Learn to listen. It will take some time.
If you create yourself a “structured and disciplined” practice routine for 2-3 years practicing doing what Ben has shown us here, and working on wrapping your head around the “CAGED System” /Major scale perhaps the Circle of 5ths? You can hit up @Mr_G for that stuff, work on “it all” for 2-3yrs with structured/focused practice…and you will be ready.
Have to start somewhere. I am just now starting to emerge out of “the other side” of this. I’ve been at it 3-5 years. Time has been short - but that’s all about to change. Perfect!
It’s a thrill when you start poking your head out every now and then and be able to think “wow that actually sounded pretty good while making it up on the fly”. Satisfying. Takes work though.
Have fun. This is a great lesson for all.