Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Guitar lesson: How to Read Guitar Tab

There are two basic parts of reading tabs: 1) The notes themselves, 2) The timing of each note! Let’s learn to do both.

In this lesson of tab is the rest associated with dotted note in notation

If I’m following your question correctly, the rest in tab is the same as a rest in standard notation. I’m no music reading guru (play practically everything by ear) but I believe a dotted note in standard notation means to stretch that note out by 1/2 of the duration of the note itself. So, a 1/4 dotted note would be played 1/4 + 1/8.

To my knowledge, rests are the same in standard notation and tab.


Hi Jeremy

If you haven’t studied Mr G’s Theory Course yet I would encourage you to do so asap. In part 5 of the course Mr G goes into some detail on tied notes and dotted notes.


Thank you for the help Archie, found those lessons and answered my questions.


Thanks Mark!

Your very welcome Jeremy. Glad to be of asistance

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Y’all are awesome, thanks!

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How long should I stay on one lesson before moving on. I am doing ok with this but have been sticking with it for about 10 days to try and get my rhythm correct. Should I stay with it until I am very consistent or should I move on and the rythem will come to me in future lessons.

I wouldn’t spend so much time on the beginning lessons that you lose interest. Just get the basics committed to memory and then move on to something more fun / challenging.

I like to say quality over quantity, but even I get tired of playing the same old stuff after a while. If you feel yourself losing interest, mix it up. It won’t hurt a thing.


What @Mark_Rocka said!

Where do I find out witch notes to play on guitar when looking at notation.

Howdy @colewwalling! Welcome to the forum!

I don’t have a particular lesson teaching that on the site. We use tab here for a couple reasons. One is because it’s easier to learn for folks with no music history. But two, even more important for our style of playing, is that tab tells you which string to play on, whereas standard notation does not. Take the E above middle C for example. I can play that note on the guitar by playing the open 1st string, the E. However, I can also play it on the 5th fret of the 2nd string, and the 9th fret of the 3rd string, etc. Tab eliminates that confusion.

HOWEVER, with every tef tab file that I have for my lessons, you have the option to have it display BOTH tab AND notation. That’s pretty cool, because you can see both at the same time and indeed learn where to put your fingers when reading standard notation. Just keep in mind that there are more ways to play many notes on the staff when it comes to the guitar neck.

Check out this video: