Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Guitar lesson: Guitar Rhythm with Tony Wray

Hey! Love this lesson so much.
What a powerful guitar style, so obsessed and inspired.

I need to know how does Tony (similarly to Dan Tyminski) mute inbetween the chord changes to create that definition and how does one start to develop the downbeat drive and groove and control in the left hand over the emphasis on the beats.
Many thanks in advance.

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I believe the muted strum comes from just dropping the left hand fingers over the strings - and you’ll gain the groove you’re looking for by practicing slowly with a metronome, also playing along to recorded bluegrass. I agree that Tony’s one of the best!!


Wow, Tony called it four years ago. He said “Now that I know where you live, you (Ben) are gonna be moving aren’t you” at the end of the last video. Hahaha, you both have too much fun.


Yes he does and he’ll often do it with his pinky, depending on the chord shape.