Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Guitar lesson: Guitar POV Pickalong: Old Joe Clark

Let’s pick! The point of the Pickalong lessons is not to teach you a tabbed solo or backup, but to get you actually playing along by using your eyes and ears! Don’t forget that you can slow down the video!


I notice you put on tony favorite strings!

Just played the melody through in C, A, G, E, and D positions. I’m not checking the complete box till I can switch positions at tempo. Good times! Hope to have this down before my next jam. Thanks Ben!



cant follow bridge on Martin guitar is broken have to send it in to Nazareth PN for repair I live in Yuma Az will take several weeks to get it fixed will just have to sit and wait

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what means do I have to click to get teaching video to play so I can follow it

cant get it to open the tune what do I need to do

Love that you have multiple solos covering all levels. If I could offer one piece of feedback: I get that you’re not teaching solos per se’ in these, having the tabs would help me fill in the gaps that slowing down the playback doesn’t solve.


Hi @garyall Gary the whole purpose of the Pickalong lessons is to Pick Along without the aid of TABs. i.e. Improvise, make it up as you go along as might be the case at a Jam Session. Having TABs would defeat the purpose. Build-a-Break Lessons do have TABs.


As @Archie says, I want you to stretch your ear with these, and use your eyes in ways that tabs don’t require you to do.

However, if you want tabs for this song, I have separate lessons. You can go learn those tabs then come pickalong with me here :+1:t2: