Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Guitar lesson: G Run Variations

Now that we have a G Run under our fingers, let’s learn 12 variations that fit all kinds of situations that need a G Run! Not only that, we’ll talk about how to create our own G Runs which adds a whole other dimension.


Such a fun lesson! Can’t wait to give these a try during my practice time.


Ben, #12 sounded very “Del-ish”


@BanjoBen, is doing the rest stroke vital to the sound quality or execution of the G run? I learned the G run with different pick strokes to start with, and it’s taken a bit to get your pick pattern down. However, I cannot for the life of me do the rest stroke at higher speeds. It slows down the run and messes up the timing. Is it vital to do the rest stroke, or can the G run be just as good without it?

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I do it sometimes and honestly, sometimes I don’t. The pick stroke directions are definitely more important than the rest stroke, in my opinion.

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Ok, thank you!