Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Guitar lesson: Basic Guitar Rhythm- Part 2

So you’re back for round 2…good for you.

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what is a good metronome rhythm to start out using to play this? to be able to gain speed.
is like 40 to 50 BPM good to start until i gain gain my speed.

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Hi Colton

I don’t play guitar and I no longer use a metronome. But what I would suggest is you set the metronome to a speed that you can play comfortably. As you practice increase the metronome @ 5 BPM increments

I work with @BanjoBen 's TEF files using TablEdit I find this a better tool for practice and increasing speed.

Check out this thread for more info

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Yes 40-50 BPM might be a good start for Ben’s Advanced lessons. Check out TEF file like Archie suggests. You can vary the tempo between 20% (roughly 25-50 BPM depending on the level) and 200% of Ben’s performing speed.

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thank you @jmonickaraj1 and @Archie for the fast reply! ive have downloaded tabledit


Thank you so much for the lesson!!

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@BanjoBen I’m loving your site man! I have a question about holding the pick and my wrist position. When you are strumming are you holding the pick differently than when you are picking a lick? Does your wrist stay bent when you are picking a lick? I feel like I don’t have control unless my wrist is resting on the bridge when playing licks.


Great question! I hold the pick the same but my wrist flattens out a bit when I begin picking, yep. Be sure not to press against the bridge too much, though…kills your tone fast.


Hey, Ben, on mandolin, I was always taught to limit hand rotation in picking and strumming (Mike Marshall), as it’s inefficient, but that’s different somewhat on a guitar strum? It seems your hand moves more vertically when flat picking, and rotates more on the strum. Maybe I just answered my own question, :slight_smile:

I play a little guitar, but just trying to cross over from mando, and get the basic mechanics down. Thanks!

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Everyone is a bit different. Mike is a master but I know many who rotate on mando, too. But yes, the guitar strum is a bigger movement and requires the rotation. Thanks!


Does rhythm come with practice or do you have to be naturally gifted with it? My hands get so confused on the strumming.

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Hello and welcome to the forum, @culbertsonadam! Of course, it comes by practice, using proper techniques! I’d be surprised if anyone said otherwise. Listening to music also helps though to develop the “natural gift”.

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