Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Guitar lesson: Angels We Have Heard on High– Guitar

Phantom power is a small DC current sent through the mic cable.

In the case of a regular PA system it originates in the sound board and is transmitted through one wire of an XLR tipped cable. There is usually a button for turning the PP on or off on boards that have this capability.

In the case of a computer it runs to the usb port and then through the cable to the mic.

Some instrument amplifiers also have phantom power.

a transformer within the sound board, amp, or computer is the actual “source”

Thanks Dave. Appreciate it. Lots to think on.

The software is Logic Pro X and the hardware is an Apollo Quad, which supplies the lines with phantom power if needed.

This is now my second favorite version of this song, being edged out by Bethany and Joe for first. It’s fun to have grassed Christmas song lessons! Now I need to learn some…

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This arrangement is almost worth the price of a lifetime Gold Pick membership on its own